UPLIFT attends FOKUS seminar in Kampala Representatives from UPLIFT West Nile (Project Coordinator Mark Ssemukasa and Accountant Imelda Kanyesige), as well as a representative from Friends of UPLIFT (General Manager Michael P. Vitols) attended a seminar on April 23 hosted by Fokus in Kampala, Uganda.

Other projects in Uganda that Fokus provides financial support to participants participated.

The day was spent getting to know each other, discussing synergy, talking about regional cooperation, and thinking aloud about the way forward, including a new Norad application for 2028-2032.  In Uganda, the UPLIFT project is the only project Fokus has on sexual and reproductive health rights. Other projects deal with women’s legal rights and economic independence.

Fokus is pleased with our efforts and would like to offer the program referred to during the seminar as the “Baha’i model” to partners in surrounding countries. The possibility of increasing efforts in the next framework agreement period was also discussed.