Month: April 2024

UPLIFT attends FOKUS seminar in Kampala

UPLIFT attends FOKUS seminar in Kampala

UPLIFT attends FOKUS seminar in Kampala Representatives from UPLIFT West Nile (Project Coordinator Mark Ssemukasa and Accountant Imelda Kanyesige), as well as a representative from Friends of UPLIFT (General Manager Michael P. Vitols) attended a seminar on April 23 hosted by Fokus in Kampala, Uganda.

UPLIFT Women in West Nile

UPLIFT Women in West Nile

Having entered year # 2 ! A week from now, the big UPLIFT family will gather for the annual Graduation Ceremony – the highlight of the year. Little more than a year ago, Friends of UPLIFT received the message from FOKUS that Norad had accepted our application for...