An overview of the development of the project can be found here.

Newsletters and reports

Article about Friends of UPLIFT

Article about Friends of UPLIFT

“The November edition of the news magazine Bahá’í-Nytt published an article about Friends of UPLIFT and the large women’s health project UPLIFT Women in West Nile (2023-2027).

John Charles Onyuthi in memoriam

John Charles Onyuthi in memoriam

Three days ago, John Charles died, aged just 44, after a sudden and brief illness.

It came as a shock to the entire UPLIFT family in West Nile. Everyone knew John, including thousands of villagers he did not know but who had seen and heard him in action at the many annual “UPLIFT Graduation Ceremonies”.

Rings in the water – Collaboration and Synergy

Rings in the water – Collaboration and Synergy

UPLIFT West Nile collaborates with the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Union (UNMU). Local midwives help with capacity building on sexual and reproductive health and rights, integrated in UPLIFT’s adult literacy programme.

FOCUS additional grant!

FOCUS additional grant!

In the midst of the world’s misery, where even we in the periphery are bombarded daily – by world news in real time – we mustn’t forget the bright spots and the hope to once again steer the ship back on track.

Annual graduation and empowerment event

Annual graduation and empowerment event

As usual, UPLIFT West Nile arranged its Annual Graduation and Empowerment event. This event is a time of celebration for literacy students that have successfully completed their one-year training program and passed the government literacy exam.

UPLIFT attends FOKUS seminar in Kampala

UPLIFT attends FOKUS seminar in Kampala

UPLIFT attends FOKUS seminar in Kampala Representatives from UPLIFT West Nile (Project Coordinator Mark Ssemukasa and Accountant Imelda Kanyesige), as well as a representative from Friends of UPLIFT (General Manager Michael P. Vitols) attended a seminar on April 23 hosted by Fokus in Kampala, Uganda.

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