To combat poverty is the overall goal of UPLIFT’s focus on literacy training and women’s health.
In the midst of the world’s misery, where even we in the periphery are bombarded daily – by world news in real time – we mustn’t forget the bright spots and the hope to once again steer the ship back on track. On the grand geopolitical level, the recent UN adoption of the global “Pact for the Future” (with the overwhelming support from 143 nations) is one such promise to restore the course. [Read about it here:]
At the same time it is ‘buzzing’, at the opposite end of the scale, with community-building measures carried out by the ever-growing broader and diversely organized civil society. UPLIFT Women in West Nile is one of these projects! For a population of village people, with this year’s added 4,000 participants and many others who benefit, the future looks brighter.
The biggest news is that FOKUS, as confirmation of the enthusiastic and successful completion of the first (now one and a half) year of the project, has granted an additional amount of NOK 165,000 for 2024 in addition to the fixed annual amount of NOK 850,000. With this, the total allocation of Norad funds is almost the same size as the original application amount in 2022, which was considered very optimistic at the time!
UPLIFT can thus add funds for purposes not fully covered by the annual budget, including:
- Printing of learners’ material about women’s health/SRHR, especially for schoolgirls.
- Increased transport costs, including the purchase of bicycles for several mentors and light
motorcycles for two coordinators. - Distribution of reusable sanitary napkins to young girls, as an encouragement to participate
in information meetings on health and sexuality, improving personal hygiene and reducing
adverse effects of menstruation.
[The latter, as well as financial burden, is still a current issue in Norway and Europe] - “Branding materials” – visibility of UPLIFT West Nile. [See link to Litteraturhuset below.]
- Office equipment.
- [Smart Phones have already been purchased for coordinators and board members, and chat
groups established linking daily management with coordinators, board members and UNMU
midwives, respectively.]
FOKUS has asked UPLIFT to send a representative to the annual meeting of the UN Women’s Commission in New York next year, and our project accountant, Imelda, has been appointed. Again, FOKUS has invited UPLIFT and other partners to a meeting in Kampala in November. On that occasion, Norad, too, will be represented – as they were (some of us remember) all of fifteen years ago!
Next year’s UPLIFT Graduation Ceremony is set for 24 April, in the ‘new’ District of Madi Okollo. Get in touch if you’ve been thinking of participating.
Now, to share some news from Friends of UPLIFT here in Norway:
Michael gave a presentation on UPLIFT in a seminar organized by FOKUS during Arendal Week in August (– one of 2,000 events). The Minister for Development and Cooperation and representatives of the Conservative Party and the Labor Party participated. FOKUS was satisfied with an attendance of approx. 30 showing up at 08:30 on Thursday morning!
A corresponding, extended presentation is planned for the House of Literature in Oslo, Friday 15 November, at the initiative of the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís in Oslo. Read here:
From time to time we get a question from (new) members: “How can I contribute?” That is, not just in the form of the “Contribute” on the the website. Then again, as now, we have to remind you to mention that we exist – in conversations with others, and with reference to our excellent website, with sunshine stories in text and pictures. Feel free to order some business cards, with such examples and – primarily – the website address!
To double back to the question of contribution, however, we should be reminded that the new 165,000 NOK from FOKUS, just like the fixed annual grant, requires an additional ‘own share’ (however modest) of 5% from Friends of UPLIFT. Money, that we do have in our FUP account, while also ‘saving up’ for other UPLIFT needs to be presented to us.
On that note, a warm thank you, on behalf of the entire UPLIFT family, to those of you who faithfully contribute individually – money that has covered necessary expenses as well as inspired the volunteered effort throughout all these 12 years of our organization.
And thank you, to each one who took the time to read all the way to the end of this letter!
Wiith best wishes, on behalf of Friends of UPLIFT,
Gunnar Lange-Nielsen (secretary of the Board)